If you want to uninstall Avast Secure Web browser, you have one or two options. You can either operate a manual uninstaller or install a third-party deletion. The primary way will allow you to uninstall this program without inside your browsing background or perhaps bookmarks. You need to restart your personal computer after you entire the process. For anyone who is unable to locate Avast Protect Browser in the Start menu or Windows Settings, you can uninstall it throughout the Apps & Features menu. Once you find this, go to the Remove button and choose the appropriate choice.
The second www.teksquad.us/best-methods-to-uninstall-avast-secure-browser/ way is usually to go to the The control panel and utilize the uninstaller. This can be located in the Apps & Features section of Control Panel. You may click the Remove button in the top proper corner of the window. Once you simply click it, a pop-up screen will appear. Simply click OK to complete the uninstallation. You may also use a registry cleaner, just like CCleaner, to wash your system computer registry.
If you want to uninstall Avast Secure Browser by hand, you must open the Windows Registry Editor. Available the Computer registry Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and typing regedit. You can also open it by choosing Get in the drop down menu. Following, select the data that Avast Secure Web browser has attached to your computer.